I can honestly say I don't have many temptations. I am a handbag addict, but even that I don't consider a true temptation. I don't just buy random handbags in ridiculous colors. All of my handbag purchases are well thought out; I comparison shop (usually on the internet); I ensure they can be mixed and matched with other items in my wardrobe; and under no circumstances do I buy a bag that is similar to something I already have in my closet. So, the handbag thing....although I consider it a festish, I, pretty much, have a handle on purchases. So, that still leaves the question, what are my temptations? Hmmm....
I would have to say my temptations are going out to eat and traveling. Both of these things are tempting to me because they usually signal GIRL TIME! When I think about going out to eat, it usually means me and my girlfriends going out to a casual restaurant, sitting on the deck while eating, laughing and indulging in a few drinks. Likewise, because I'm single, most of my travel is with friends. It is SOOO hard for me to turn down an invite for a trip that is anywhere out of state. I love to travel, meet new people, and have new experiences. Additionally because I come from a family where people were content to just scrape by, there was no eating out or traveling for me as a kid. I believe this is another reason why I love these two experiences so much.
In examining my temptations, I have come to realize that my temptations aren't about spending money; rather they're about having experiences with people who are close to me. I guess this is why it is so hard for me to resist. But, because I'm living my life with financial goals, I believe I've found a balance that is reasonable and doesn't leave me feeling deprived--in regards to eating out, that is. The issue of traveling is a whole other story. I'm still trying to find a balance. For now, my solution has been to turn down smaller trips and save for that grand vacation.
So, those are my temptations. What are yours? And have you figured out why these are temptations for you?
Labels: Spending, Temptation
It is hard to control the temptations for a larger hard drive, a new book, a trip to the coffeeshop...
I'm still working on those three temptations. It is a serious challenge too!