Different people view money differently. The book "Your Money or Your Life' defined money simply as what we trade out time for. Others may view money as a means to status or acquisition of material items. Then, there are still those who may have a negative view of money because of the opinions of money that may have been passed down from childhood. I, personally, view money as a tool--a very important tool.
I know it's very important to keep money in its proper perspective. Some people lose sight of this fact due to greed or other selfish reasons. People and relationships definitely trump money. But after acknowledging that people should come before money, I feel it's imperative to also acknowledge the imporance of money. I HATE, with a passion, when people say money is not important. Whenever I hear someone say money isn't important, my response is always, 'If money isn't important, then try living without it. Good luck with your life of homelessness, nakedness and starvation." From my experiences, the people who say money isn't important are usually those who are being irresponsible in their handling of money.
Money is important because it's a tool we use to acquire our basic necessities for life--food, clothing, and shelter. Even people who don't value money, and as a result, are not responsible with it, must use someone else's money to exist; whether it's government, mooching off family and friends or committing illegal acts. This is why I cannot tolerate when people dismiss the impact of money and treat those who have a healthy value for money as money obsessed.
I value my money because I spend a great amount of my life working to earn it. Anything that requires such a great time commitment from me, deserves my respect. Money is also the means by which I build the life I desire. Money affords me a life that is fulfilling to me and brings me some degree of joy; the type joy that comes from things like a comfortable home, a great vacation, or a delicious meal.
I implore everyone to analyze what money means to their life--whether good or bad. If, after examination, it is determined that the money relationship is one that is not in line with one's values, then it's time to make the needed changes. But this change in perspective cannot come without the necessary introspection.
So, have you given the question any real thought? How do you view money?
Labels: View of Money
Money, unfortunately, is what makes the world go around!
Excellent post! Especially the second paragraph:) You definitely possess wisdom beyond your years.
I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree! Throughout my adult life I have generally made much less money than the people around me (friends, family, etc.) yet because I'm a frugal nut, I have so much more financial freedom than they do. I have a smaller house and less stuff, but I could also probably live comfortably for 10 years without bringing in another penny. I just can't imagine how people live paycheck to paycheck. I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night!
I would have to agree that money=freedom. And because of that, money is important. But as Charles Dickens wrote in one of his books (Willow's paraphrase)--income $1,000; expenses $999 = bliss. income $1,000; expenses $1,001 = agony. The amounts are relative.
You can 10 years without earning another penny...WOW!! We need to talk, 'cause I need to employ your methods, seriously. I would estimate that, currently, I could live, maybe, 3 years without income.
I am a lazy person, so I like to do all the math ahead of time, and then automatically deduct things from my checking account and dump them into respective savings accounts before I even get a chance to put my paws on the money.
I would love to have the financial freedom to live without working - or working this hard. Love is too short!